Thursday, August 7, 2008

July's Monthly Winner

Congratulations goes out to Vicki Bilek, winner of July's monthly drawing. Vicki had this to say about Sheer Wax. " I love the Sheer Wax and use it daily. It has just enough hold for my soft curls." Vicki will receive a Sheer product of her choice!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

July's Monthly Drawing

Congratulations goes out to Vicki Bilek, winner of July's monthly drawing. Vicki had this to say about the Sheer Wax. " I love the Sheer Wax and use it daily. It has just enough hold for my soft curls!"

Sheer Professionals

Becky had this to say about our Sheer Professionals Products. " I love your personal line of products! I live in China and come all the way from Shanghai to buy them. Sheer Professionals has been my friend for years!